Want to Become a Successful Schema Coach?
The Fastest Way is to Be Coached Yourself!
Advanced Schema Coaching and
Wellbeing Codes Practitioner Certification Program
- The Connection Code: Exploring the schemas that block love and warmth
- The Confidence Code: Exploring the schemas that block courage and autonomy
- The Optimism Code: Exploring the schemas that block peace and new possibilities
- The Self-Appreciation Code: Exploring the schemas that block joy and rest
- The Fairness Code: Exploring the schemas that block equanimity and balance
- The Self-Discipline Code: Exploring the schemas that block focus and purpose
"Wellbeing University has transformed my clinical work and impacted me personally. I have worked with Tracey before, and credit her with much of my healing. With Wellbeing Uni in particular, I am more confident in how I approach my client's schemas, and feel I have language that resonates for them, and their modes. Clients just 'get' the tools, imagery, and emotion-based practices and want to apply them to their lives. The use of personal healing to facilitate client healing is what makes this work so powerful!"
Phoebe, Clinical Psychologist - Sydney
"Thank you so much for this wonderful program. I really truly enjoyed the program so much. And feel I have made some real shifts in myself over the last 6 months. I feel much more confident and less anxious in both my professional and personal life"
Frances, Clinical Psychologist - Victoria
Attending Wellbeing University has helped me identify my own blocks to truly taking care of myself in the work I do. Now I am much better at structuring work in a way that works for me, at tending to myself when I'm exhausted, and at noticing all those old schemas & modes that get in the way of creating a work life in which I can thrive rather than survive. I feel refreshed, hopeful, and excited about what is next. Highly recommend - just do it!"
Deborah, Clinical Psychologist, NSW
"Since completing Wellbeing University, I have noticed being more attuned to my own needs and an increase in willingness to attend to them. It has become easier to make decisions that are not necessarily easy, but are certainly making particularly my professional life well balanced and working for me. It has been well worth the time and effort"
I.B., Clinical Psychologist, NSW
"Words are not enough to describe my gratitude for both Tracey and the participants of Wellbeing University. I also need to acknowledge Rachel who has had a huge role in developing this notion of Schema Coaching with Tracey. They are both inspirational, genuine women who live their talk. Prior to attending Wellbeing University I felt burnt out, sad and ready to retire but into what? The great hole! In the process of throwing myself into this course I learnt a great deal about myself including my schemas which influence how I interacted in the world. Note the past tense. Via Tracey's guidance and by engaging with the coaching session, by hearing the stories of other participants and experiencing mutual support and allowing myself the time to work through the portal of goodies which come with doing the course, I can honestly say I have changed. I have made decisions in my life regarding what I do, who I see and how I choose to operate. I have found the zing in my work and now can not vision myself stopping. I have discovered my purpose in life and now choose to live this. So, if you are at the stage in your life/career that you feel lost, tired, burnt out and possibly angry then this might well be the oasis for you as it was for me".
Maria, Intuitive Heart-centred Mentor.... otherwise known as Clinical Psychologist, South Australia
"Wellbeing University brought together a group of amazing psychologists from around the world. The process was engaging and thought provoking. At the time I was struggling with an issue in my life around ‘fairness’. Most people know life’s not fair, but the work we did taught me to intentionally seek out relationships that would honour this code and validate my right to express my feelings, rather than second guessing and doubting myself. This has been life changing. It has provided me with the tools to start living a more courageous and balanced life. Thank you Tracey and Rachel".
Jeannine, Psychologist, Melbourne
"Attending Wellbeing University has helped me to recognise more clearly my deep conditioning and challenged me to respond to myself differently. I feel more able to catch myself when historical patterns start to play out and can redirect myself to ways that serve me better. Completing Wellbeing University also provided me with some fantastic and real strategies to support my client work. Highly recommend this course"
Kate, Psychologist, Brisbane
"Since completing Wellbeing University, I am more able to connect with my own feelings and needs and to communicate these to others without fear of criticism or rejection - it has made my personal and professional life so much more authentic. Before I did this program, I wasn't even aware of my own feelings and needs let alone able to share them honestly with others. As a parent, I am now more able to recognise when I need to rest or engage in some creativity - whilst actually doing this is still a challenge it feels good to be able to validate within myself it is OK to need pleasure and rest. This one is a work in progress given the negative messages I received growing up about such non-productive achievement-focused activities! Since completing The Wellbeing Codes, I have started on a journey of carving out my own niche in psychology and trusting that I have something to offer of value to others that doesn't look like Medicare-funded sessions in a private practice room - I understand so much better how my own schemas and their healing have created a wisdom that I could share with others. Wellbeing University offers a unique chance to develop yourself personally and professionally, but also learn skills in schema coaching for clients that you could literally use the next day in a treatment session. The program was run with a sense of safety and support but also fun! Whilst I was initially apprehensive about the group format of the program, I found that hearing about others journey's along schema healing and their experiences in helping clients actually enriched my schema treatment knowledge and gave me the courage to try new ways of working with clients - it also reminded me that maybe I wasn't so alone in having the self-doubt and imposter syndrome I had! Such a positive and life-changing experience, professionally and personally".
Angela, Clinical Psychologist, Victoria
Psychologist | Mentor & Coach | Advanced Schema Therapy Supervisor & Trainer